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Support Meetings
What is Epilepsy?

Next Support Group Meeting to be TBD.  Contact Darlene for more information.

Support meetings are held quarterly, except July and August.  Coffee is provided by the Bruce Hammond Fund
In Regina, call 306-359-0905 or cel 306-533-4829.  In Swift Current, call 306-774-8174 or 306-778-9130.



Epilepsy is a condition in which a person has recurrent seizures.  A seizure is defined as an abnormal, disorderly discharging of the brain's nerve cells, resulting in a temporary disturbance of motor, sensory, or mental function.

There are many types of seizures, depending primarily on what part of the brain is involved.

Discuss options with your doctor or neurologist for treatment of epilepsy seizures.  Follow their advice, especially if you are on prescribed medications, generally anticonvulsants.

The VNS, Vagus Nerve Stimulator, is a generator, implanted under the skin below the patient’s left chest under the clavicle.  Lead wires from the generator are wired up to the patient’s neck and wrapped around the left vagus nerve at the carotid sheath to connect electrodes to the generator.  It delivers electrical impulses to the vagus nerve at regular intervals.  VNS is an adjunctive treatment for certain types of intractable epilepsy.

Another option is epilepsy surgery.  Your doctor would discuss your options and possibilities of an operation.  A neurosurgeon becomes involved and will provide epilepsy tests to see if you are a likely candidate for surgery.

Neurosurgeons can surgically remove the part of your brain where seizures happen, a brain lesion, a brain lobe, or a portion of a brain lobe.  The most common type of surgery is a temporal lobectomy.

Healthy people may have seizures under certain circumstances.  If the seizures have a known cause, the condition is referred to as secondary or symptomatic epilepsy.

Purple Epilepsy Ribbon


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan :

        A radiologic imaging technique that uses magnets and a computer to produce pictures of soft tissue in the brain

Computerized Axial Tomography (CT or CAT scan) :

        Scans used to produce images of the brain created by a computer with data from multiple x-rays.  Images from a CT scan are less detailed than MRI scans

Electroencephalography (EEG) :

        Recording electrical activities of the brain.  Recorded from multiple electrodes placed on the scalp.  EEG is most often used to diagnose brain disorders, but has decreased with the imaging techniques such as MRI and CT




Healthy Aging Naturally  
Proven Strategies for        Disability-Free Longevity 
- Dr. Veloso 

Naturally Proven    
Stroke Avoidance Strategies 
- Dr. Veloso 

Naturally Evidence-Based
Strategies To Enrich
- Dr. Veloso 

 In Regina, Dr. Felix Veloso's books can be purchased at:

Coles Northgate Mall 
489 Albert St N.,   Regina, Saskatchewan, S4R 3C4  
(306) 543-6868

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